Остання редакція: 2020-04-25
Тези доповіді
Today's job market requires university graduates and future specialists who possess a high level of professional training and certain skills of effective communication. These two elements of success performance in their professional activity can provide an opportunity to find a well-payed job, career advancement and thus a person can satisfy their professional and social needs.
Our country's European integration aspirations require the training of a specialist who is able to solve professional tasks with representatives of professional circles from different countries and cultures.
Traditionally, the structure of professional competence of any specialist consists of three main components: knowledge, professional and learning skills, which are supported by professionally important qualities [2]. A representative of each type of profession has its own set of personal qualities that contribute to successful mastering and further performance of the professional activity.
According to OV Moshnyag, “intercultural communication is an instrument of influence on contacting cultures in the modern multicultural and multilingual world” [3].
In the course of university studies, great attention should be paid to students' language skills development, which guarantees the establishment of friendly and reliable business relations with representatives of other countries. Learning a foreign language provides students with knowledge about culture and customs and traditions of the people whose language is being studied. Thus, by establishing relationships with representatives of foreign companies, one becomes aware of some of the issues that might cause misunderstanding and intercultural conflicts and measures how to prevent them.
The cultural aspect of intercultural communication is at the heart of the whole process of business communication.
It should be noted that in the conditions of globalization the forms, methods and means of communication of people are constantly changing, which in turn changes the nature of communication.
It is obvious that limited language proficiency, which is not sufficient to avoid different types of misunderstandings, can be offset, at least at the level of non-verbal communication, by intercultural knowledge, especially that there is an existential platform. which is unique to all cultures.
At present, intercultural management is actively being developed, which aims to teach the basics of intercultural communication to professionals working in the field of international business or multicultural teams.
Intercultural communication can take the following forms:
• direct contact of communication;
• indirect communication of representatives of different cultures (through translator or through technical means);
• through texts on different media that help to study the characteristics of another culture [4].
According to M. Sokolova, one of the main conditions for successful intercultural communication is the attitude towards the communication partner not as a rival, but the desire to avoid imposing ideas, to harmonize the dialogue, which is the basis of cultural development [1, p. 48].
To summarize, participants of intercultural communication act should be able to: • Define and identify the key elements of interpersonal communication, culture, cultural systems, and global communication • Compare and contrast cultures’ values, beliefs, perceptions, and communication styles • Recognise negative perception: racism, prejudice, negative stereotyping and ethnocentrism • Analyse intercultural interactions and evaluate situations using intercultural communication skills • Use the knowledge acquired to further develop one’s cultural sensitivity.
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