Наукові конференції України, Нові матеріали і технології в машинобудуванні-2015

Розмір шрифту: 
V.U. Kniazev

Остання редакція: 2016-02-19

Тези доповіді

Kniazev V.U.
E-mail: nebo_vozdux@tut.by

Simulation of transient processes in generators with price indicators which in the future will be part of research related to the development of per-minute billing for the areas where it is relevant.

Recent scientific research shows that existing pricing mechanism in the energy market of Ukraine have a number of disadvantages. Development of the effective methods of calculation the optimal tariff prices of energy generating systems is now especially relevant.

Development of competition in the electricity industry in Ukraine due to the introduction of a model of a competitive electricity market, namely the market of bilateral contracts and balancing market (BM). Implementation mechanism of the balancing market is one of the main methods of ensuring the functioning of the electricity market. To cover deviations of actual electricity production and consumption in real time, using a segment of BM optimizes the balance of active power, in which the participants BM (power producers) are obliged to provide all of its power on the price bids to increase or decrease the power output in relation to such volumes . To apply power producers need to calculate and report the tariff rates for each level of power produced. Developed in master degree research, the model allows to calculate and predict the change in the unit price of power in the transition between the different volumes of the production of electricity, as well as the price necessary to maintain the amount of power at a given level of the system operator.



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