Наукові конференції України, Нові матеріали і технології в машинобудуванні-2020

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Main trends in ESP teaching
D. Prykhodko

Остання редакція: 2020-04-25

Тези доповіді

In recent years, much effort has been made to improve the foreign language teaching process at higher education. Many are successfully used, some are in the process of being developed or refined. Training of highly qualified specialists is conditioned by economic development, expansion of international relations and diversified labor market, so modern specialists should not only have excellent orientation in their professional field of activity, but also be able to speak a foreign language in order to increase their competitiveness. The relevance of this topic is determined by the need to have a foreign language in a professional direction in today's fast-paced, economically competitive world. It is very important today to respond adequately to all changes in the social, cultural, economic and professional worlds, as well as to take advantage of new opportunities provided by technical developments. Also relevant is the fact that it is a teaching of a narrowly targeted foreign language, not a general language.

Considering a language activity, it should be noted different interpretations of it. According to the views of LS Vygotsky's speech activity is "a kind of activity characterized by a subjective motive, purposefulness, consisting of several successive phases - orientation, planning, implementation of the language plan, control" [1, p.74]. Accordingly, training in different types of vocational guidance should be practical and used as a tool for gaining foreign language skills in a particular field.
Consequently, speaking and writing are tools for expressing any information, students use the knowledge they have acquired to further develop their skills. In order to write an essay or abstract, students use information from the outside or form it independently on the basis of lectures, texts, and online resources. During reading and listening, students learn new material and can continue to work with it. Thus, by reading a highly specialized text or listening to audio information, students are introduced to lexical material for writing a work, exercise or other written assignment.

Successful teaching of a vocational-oriented foreign language should cover all types of speech. When submitting new material, it is necessary to secure it at all levels of perception (audio, video series, tables and charts). It is advisable to practice new lexical or grammatical material using all kinds of speech activity. If this is a new lexical material, then it can be submitted with preliminary independent preparation by the students themselves (search and selection of new information in the specialty), with the practice of reading, translation, writing immediately.

Modern education is designed not only for the training of highly qualified professionals, but also for the development of a student's personal abilities, the discovery and development of his potential. Students perform creative, non-standard tasks in the preparation of which they can show their personality or, conversely, the ability to work in a team (if it is a group task). Yes, students can find interesting information about their school by preparing a video, making a newsletter about the institute in a foreign language, or presenting it using multimedia. Today, there are many interactive features (brainstorming, presentations, role-playing games, etc.) and multimedia technologies that help and facilitate the process of learning and consolidating foreign language skills. On the Internet, students can freely find information in a foreign language by specialty, as well as learn about the latest developments and developments. In addition, online resources can be a source of information for writing abstracts, abstracts, reports in a foreign language.

The majority of foreign language teaching methods and techniques are based on the development of skills in four main types of speech (speaking, listening, reading, writing). Fixing each individual type of speech activity (or their proper unification) will certainly lead to a positive result and students will not only learn new interesting material in their specialty, but also broaden their outlook in the field of their professional activity.

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